Excerpt from my book No New Theories (Printed Matter, 2019)

A new unnamed and unindexed risograph printed Annie May Johnston at the University of Texas - Austin as part of their Guest Artist in Print Program.

Lucille Clifton’s "the beginning of the end of the world." Excerpted from Black Nature: Four Centuries of African American Nature Poetry. Greece: University of Georgia Press, 2009.

Fragment of a photograph in my collection of Black Vernacular Photographs

Notes about Lauren Olamina (from Octavia Butler’s Parable of Sower)

Still from an ongoing video work (2020).

Excerpt from my book No New Theories (Printed Matter, 2019)

Notes about the rapture.

Scan of a post-it note reminding me to return to a research project

Screenshot from New York Times article: "How to Save Phallic Flowers From Being Inbred to Extinction" (New York Times, December 11, 2020)